This package contains an adapted version of tmux-menus
, a Tmux plugin with popup menus to help visually manage Tmux. This fork is customized to work better on the small Beepy display.
┌───────────── Main menu ────────────┐
│ Application Menu --> (a) │
│ Handling Pane --> (p) │
│ Handling Window --> (w) │
│ Layouts --> (l) │
│ Split view --> (v) │
│ Advanced Options --> (d) │
│ Navigate & select ses/win/pane (n) │
The main menu provides a series of submenus.
), pressing the listed key will immediately open the submenuOn the default Beepy Raspbian distribution, pressing the End Call key is configured to send the Tmux prefix. A short hold (less than one second) of the End Call key will open tmux-menus
. To manually configure tmux-menus
to open on a short hold of the End Call key, add the following line to your ~/.tmux.conf
configuration file:
bind-key e run-shell "/usr/share/beepy-tmux-menus/items/"
The full default configuration for Beepy Tmux includes settings to switch to last window after pressing End Call (Tmux prefix) twice, as well as display a top status bar with battery status:
# beepy-kbd sends C-b prefix when pressing End Call
bind-key b send-keys C-b
# Double-press End Call to switch to last window
bind-key C-b last-window
# Double-press End Call to switch to last window
bind-key e run-shell "/usr/share/beepy-tmux-menus/items/"
set -g @menus_location_x 'R'
set -g @menus_location_y 'T'
# Status bar
set -g status-position top
set -g status-left ""
set -g status-right "_ [#(cat /sys/firmware/beepy/battery_percent)] %H:%M"
set -g status-interval 30
set -g window-status-separator '_'
The first submenu of the main menu is “Application Menu”. This is a menu that will change based on the active application of your Tmux pane, obtained internally by the command tmux list-panes -F "#{pane_current_command}
. The application menu is sourced from the directory
For example, if you are running the nano
text editor, the default Tmux title for that window will be nano
, and the application menu sourced from /usr/share/beepy-tmux-menus/items/apps/
┌─────────────── nano ───────────────┐
│ Back to Main menu <== (Left) │
| Help (h) |
| Write out (o) |
| Read file (r) |
| Where is (w) |
| Set mark (m) |
| Cut text (k) |
| Uncut text (u) |
| To spell (t) |
| Cursor position (c) |
| Go to line (l) |
This package only contains menus for nano
and neomutt
currently. Custom application menus can be added by adapting the existing application menus.