
Beepy Tmux Menus

User Guide

This package contains an adapted version of tmux-menus, a Tmux plugin with popup menus to help visually manage Tmux. This fork is customized to work better on the small Beepy display.

┌───────────── Main menu ────────────┐
│ Application Menu -->           (a) │
│ Handling Pane -->              (p) │
│ Handling Window -->            (w) │
│ Layouts -->                    (l) │
│ Split view -->                 (v) │
│ Advanced Options -->           (d) │
│ Navigate & select ses/win/pane (n) │

The main menu provides a series of submenus.

Configuring Tmux

On the default Beepy Raspbian distribution, pressing the End Call key is configured to send the Tmux prefix. A short hold (less than one second) of the End Call key will open tmux-menus. To manually configure tmux-menus to open on a short hold of the End Call key, add the following line to your ~/.tmux.conf configuration file:

bind-key e run-shell "/usr/share/beepy-tmux-menus/items/"

The full default configuration for Beepy Tmux includes settings to switch to last window after pressing End Call (Tmux prefix) twice, as well as display a top status bar with battery status:

# beepy-kbd sends C-b prefix when pressing End Call
bind-key b send-keys C-b

# Double-press End Call to switch to last window
bind-key C-b last-window

# Double-press End Call to switch to last window
bind-key e run-shell "/usr/share/beepy-tmux-menus/items/"
set -g @menus_location_x 'R'
set -g @menus_location_y 'T'

# Status bar
set -g status-position top
set -g status-left ""
set -g status-right "_ [#(cat /sys/firmware/beepy/battery_percent)] %H:%M"
set -g status-interval 30
set -g window-status-separator '_'

Application Menu

The first submenu of the main menu is “Application Menu”. This is a menu that will change based on the active application of your Tmux pane, obtained internally by the command tmux list-panes -F "#{pane_current_command}. The application menu is sourced from the directory


For example, if you are running the nano text editor, the default Tmux title for that window will be nano, and the application menu sourced from /usr/share/beepy-tmux-menus/items/apps/

┌─────────────── nano ───────────────┐
│ Back to Main menu  <==      (Left) │
| Help                           (h) |
| Write out                      (o) |
| Read file                      (r) |
| Where is                       (w) |
| Set mark                       (m) |
| Cut text                       (k) |
| Uncut text                     (u) |
| To spell                       (t) |
| Cursor position                (c) |
| Go to line                     (l) |

This package only contains menus for nano and neomutt currently. Custom application menus can be added by adapting the existing application menus.

Developer Guide

See documentation for upstream tmux-menus